D5.1 – title, keywords and abstract

Title: Three-dimentional vibrometry using stereoscopy

Keywords: CSLDV (Continuous-scan laser Doppler vibrometry), RGBD cameras, PSV-500 (Poltyec product), Vibration analysis


3D vibrometry traditionally relies on three synchronized vibrometers targeting the same points to capture motion in three dimensions. A cost-effective alternative involves repositioning a single vibrometer, such as the Polytec PSV-500, to sequentially measure all three axes. This approach offers a viable substitute for the PSV-500-3D system, which employs three vibrometers for full-field, three-dimensional measurements.

Continuous scanning techniques have been extensively studied for 3D vibrometry, enabling precise analysis of complex structures. Recent studies focus on overcoming the challenges of maintaining point alignment during sequential measurements by using mirror-based scanning methods and RGB-D cameras for surface geometry registration. These innovations aim to simplify hardware setups, reduce system costs, and increase adaptability to irregular and complex surfaces.

This study investigates the integration of Continuous-Scan Laser Doppler Vibrometry (CSLDV) and global registration techniques using RGB-D data to replicate the capabilities of the PSV-500-3D with a single vibrometer. The proposed methodology has potential applications in structural health monitoring and materials testing, offering a versatile solution for 3D vibration analysis.

D5.2 – Draft of a graphical abstract

PhD Graphical Abstract.pdf

D5.3 – Research design canvas

Research Design Canvas.pdf

D5.4 – Detailed timeline

Project Management.xlsx

D5.5 – Abstract and paper structure (proposal) for the next research summit.

(In discussion with supervisor)